We are happy to say we will be having morning worship by Zoom (the web meeting software) tomorrow morning, Sunday 29th March at 10.40am. An invite has gone around to those on the church mailing list. If you would like to join us and haven't received an invite please email Andrew Hayden, the church secretary, in advance. An order of service is shared here. In future we hope to share the links on the website. Watch this space.
The website now has a Daily Devotions page. This links in well with our current Walking The Way Holy Habit of Biblical Teaching. The new page links directly to the URC daily devotions page (https://devotions.urc.org.uk/) which provides a hymn, bible passage, reflection and paryer which is updated daily. You will notice that it doesn't currently display quite properly but if you scroll down it is all there.
On the Daily Devotions website itself (https://devotions.urc.org.uk/) there are also recorded versions of the passage and reflection, which may provide a comforting voice in these strange days of social distancing and self-isolation. If you would like the daily devotions to come straight to your email then you can also sign up through this page. If you sign up, from Sunday 22 March at 10am, an additional post will go out, a radio-style / podcast service with hymns, readings, prayers and a sermon. The Sunday Service email will contain an order of service and words for you to sing along with the hymns. There will also be additional services during Holy Week. These are different materials to those that will be provided by Dougie and others at Redland Park for Sunday worship. Dear Everyone,
In the light of the coronavirus pandemic which is currently affecting the UK (as well as the rest of the world) and taking advice from the government about social distancing and avoiding social gatherings, there will be no service in Redland Park Church on Sunday. We hope to be able to put a livestream on this website for Sunday 29 March - so watch this space. May God the Father hold you safe in arms of love. May Christ the risen Lord shine in your homes. And may the Holy Spirit be with you as Comforter and Friend. Amen God's blessings to you all. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WISH TO WORSHIP AT HOME, PLEASE GO ON TO THIS LINK FOR DAILY DEVOTIONS FROM THE URC: (https://devotions.urc.org.uk/ |
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