The next Saturday Organ Recital will be on 15 February at 10.30am for coffee and cake. 11.00am for the 45 minute recital by Jonathan Price. All welcome.
Saturday 22 March will be a recital by Peter Clements and Saturday 24 May will be by John Talbot. An impressive line-up of organists and all should be excellent listening!
In addition to our Saturday recitals, there is also a series of recitals celebrating the six organ symphonies of Louis Vierne on Tuesdays 28 January, 4, 11 and 25 February, 4 and 11 March, all at 1.15pm and played by Paul Walton. All welcome. Donations appreciated.
Our next Organ Treat will be on Saturday 18 January 2025 with coffee and cake at 10.30am and an organ recital by Nigel Nash at 11.00am for 45 minutes. Everyone welcome.
We are looking forward to celebrating the birth of the Messiah with our services as follows:
15 December, 10.30am Worship led by the Elders, 4.00pm Carol Service with collection to Caring at Christmas, joint with New Brunswick URC, Nailsea URC and Portishead URC. 22 December, 10.30am Junior Church Service 24 December, 4.00pm Crib Service with activities and refreshments 25 December, 10.00am joint service at Tyndale Baptist Church. 29 December, 10.00am joint service at Cotham Parish Church, including Communion. The next Organ Treat at Redland Park Church will be on Saturday 14 December with tea, coffee and cake at 10.30am, followed by a 45 minute organ recital at 11.00am by Andrew Kirk. All welcome. Donations appreciated of £5 to the organ fund.
Redland Park is helping again this year with support for the Bristol Churches Shelter; the Shelter re-opened on 1 November for five months, with churches providing lunch or dinner for a certain length of time. Redland Park is providing and serving lunches every Wednesday for all five months.
Bristol City Council’s consultation on a new five year Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy has re-opened. We want to know what actions the city should focus on to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping. The council consulted on the strategy in August and September 2024. We've received some really helpful feedback and we’re now re-opening the consultation for three weeks so we can hear from more people, including those with lived experience and those delivering services related to homelessness and rough sleeping. The consultation is now open until Wednesday 20 November. You can help us by:
Thanks in advance for your support. Council services: Latest council news: Consultations: Privacy Notice: Angus Gregson will be leading a quiz in aid of Tear Fund at 7.30pm on Friday 15 November. Please come and join us on zoom (ID 732 001 8996 passcode 8cC7Zv) and, if you can, donate via Many thanks.
In the last 7 years, churches have raised over a million pounds for Tear Fund via their quizzes. You don't need to know a lot, but you can learn a lot about the wonderful work that Tear Fund does. RP & NB Tearfund Big Quiz Night 2024 Help Angus Gregson raise money to support Tearfund Creating link preview RP & NB Tearfund Big Quiz Night 2024 Help Angus Gregson raise money to support Tearfund Once again, Redland Park URC will be supporting the Bristol Churches Shelter (along with about 15 other churches) to host those who have become homeless to support them to find permanent accommodation, and find work if not already working. A small hotel is taken over for this project and Redland Park will be providing lunches every Wednesday for the length of the shelter, from November through to March 2025.
. . . will be on Saturday 23 November when our old friend Trevor Fowler will be giving us a recital. Coffee/tea and cake are served from 10.30am, and the recital from 11.00am lasts about 45 minutes. Donations of about £5 requested for the organ upkeep. All welcome.
On Saturday 14 December, Andrew Kirk will be returning for the following Organ Treat, 10.30am for 11.00am and we look forward to seeing you then. We are celebrating Harvest on Sunday 29 September together with the Bristol Korean Church and the Zimbabwe Reformed Church, both of which worship at Redland Park. Donations will go to the North Bristol Food Bank. This will be followed by a Bring and Share lunch. All welcome.
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January 2025
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